PPT PowerPoint Cheat Sheet

tip 1:  the play button only shows animation for the slide you have selected.  To view the whole slideshow, click the first slide and press the slideshow button).

Tip2:  If you right click on area where there is text, you can select “Action Settings” and hyperlink to other slides/presentations, url, and play sound.

a.  Lets you select sound to play when slides transition.
b.  Determines effects for how slides will transition from one to another.

Go to right side of screen and select, “slide transition” from dropdown.  Pick the slides you want to apply the effects to.

Fade Smoothly
Random Transition

2  SLIDE DESIGN (Animation Schemes)
a.  For slides you select, lets you set effects for how all the words on the slide will come into the slide.

Go to right side of screen and select “slide design” from drop-down.

Fade in All
Fade in One by One
Faded Zoom
Faded Wipe
Random Bars
Rise Up

a.  Lets you add effects to each word on a slide separately (entrance, emphasis, exit, motion paths).

1.  On task pane, choose “custom animation”, select one of your sentences that you want to animate.
2.  Click the button that says “change” and choose an animation type for your sentence.
3.  Once you choose and animation for it, the green star in the pane will turn red for that sentence.
4.  Click on the drop-down menu next to the red star and select effect options to choose options for sentence animation such as:  horizontal or vertical direction, sound, all at once, by word, by letter, and timing.
Also, you can go to “custom animation”, click on “Master”, click “Slide Mater”, “effect options”.

1.  SLIDE SHOW –  SET UP SHOW lets you set:
a.  lets you set if show presented by a speaker or browsed by a person (allows you to show scrollbar in this case).
b.  lets you set loop continuously, show without narration, show with narration, advance slides manually or using timings.

2. SLIDE SHOW -> rehearse timings -> let’s you see how times go as you are watching the show.

1.  INSERT -> date and time
2.  INSERT -> movies and sounds
3.  FORMAT -> replace fonts (lets you replace font types in slides you select)
3.  TOOLS -> customize (to customize tool bars)
4.  TOOLS -> options (lets you select security, etc)

We hope you find this PPT PowerPoint Cheat Sheet useful for helping to navigate Powerpoint.

Add Social Media Buttons to Website Header in WordPress

Perhaps you want to add social media buttons to your website header in WordPress instead of having them in other places on your site such as your left or right hand navigation, or the top or bottom of your pages or posts.  Adding social media buttons to website headers gives you more room for displaying your website content.  We will show you how to do this including how to create RSS feed in WordPress.

1.  Upload the social media icons you want to use for your blog by going to Media -> Add New in your dashboard.  After uploading each icon, copy and paste the file url for each icon into a text document.  The file url will look something like this:

File URL for Youtube Icon

2.  Go to Appearance – > Editor -> Style.css.  Paste the following code into the bottom of your page.

#header_icons img {    









#header_icons {

    float: right;





3.  In the code below, fill in the missing information for each of your social media icons. For example, where it says, “YourTwitterPage”, enter your twitter page.   If there are other Icons you want to add, just use the code structure below for that icon.  Next, go to Appearance – > Editor -> header.php and add the code right after the div id=header tag in the <body> section of the code.


div id=”header_icons”>

<a href=”https://twitter.com/YourTwitterPage” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”Enter Link You Saved For Twitter Icon in Step1

<a href=”https://www.facebook.com/YourFacebookPage” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”Enter Link You Saved For Facebook Icon in Step1” width=”40px”></a>

<a href=”http://www.linkedin.com/in/YourLinkedInPage” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”Enter Link You Saved For LinKedInPage Icon in Step1” width=”40px”></a>

<a href=”https://YourGooglePlusLink” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”Enter Link You Saved For GooglePlus Icon in Step1” width=”40px”></a>

<a href=”http://YourRSSfeedURL” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”Enter Link You Saved For RSS Icon in Step1” width=”40px”></a>

<a href=”mailto:you@yourdomain.com” target=”_blank”>
<img src=”Enter Link You Saved For Mailto Icon in Step1” width=”40px”></a>



How To Remove RSS Feed From WordPress Theme

Some WordPress themes might already come with their own RSS image at the top of the page.  You may need to remove this in order to make room for other things you want to put into the header, like your own personalized RSS image.  To remove the default RSS feed image from WordPress, find the code that looks similar to the following and remove it by going to Appearance -> Editor -> header.php

Here is what the code might look like:


<a href=”http://www.abundantideas.com/feed” title=”RSS”></a>


In my theme, I had to remove the following code:


 <?php if(get_option(‘Eximius_rssicon’)==’yes’) { ?>


                <a href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>” title=”RSS”></a>

 <?php } ?>



We hope this has been a useful tutorial for how to add social media buttons to website headers  and to create RSS feed in WordPress.  Feel free to comment and ask any questions.

How to Invent Something

How to Invent Something and Get New Ideas

Have you ever had ideas for innovative products but were unsure of the product development process or how to invent something? Perhaps your idea could become a new technology or among the new inventions for kids, or a new license plate idea. Maybe you have an interesting idea but you don’t know what to do next to turn it into reality. It is important to learn the product development process and about product licensing to help insure that your innovative ideas will appear as products on the market. This article offers some invent help.

Where Can You Get an Idea?
You can look all around you to get invention ideas for new products. You can get so into this process that you start looking at all the objects you see as the beginnings for ideas. I know that this happens to me when I start to really get into wanting to discover a new idea. You can look for inspiration in stores, at work, at home, at the movies, going to an interesting store, by listening to music, or changing your routine – there are lots of possibilities. Pay attention to the things you are drawn to, because these can help guide you in the right direction. Below are some things to look for in already existing products to help you create new ones.

1. Can you Create a Useful Product that Solves a Problem?
Look for problems that need to be solved and see if you can develop a product that can solve it. For example, you can search for articles that talk about problems needing to be solved with innovative products or everyday living. You can also post questions or surveys related to this online, asking people for their input, or ask people you know in your life. Watch how people use products at home, at work, and on their free time to see how you can make them better. Ask people what brands, styles, sizes, quality, materials etc. they use for a product and what features they like and dislike. What would they change, add, or remove from the product? This feedback will help you with your product design. You can also gather a lot of information from comments on products on sites like Amazon.com.

2. What Products are Currently Popular and What New Product Would You Add?
What is currently popular and what other products might you be able to apply these concepts to? Make a list. Can you create a better product than the most popular existing products? You can do a patent search on the USPTO site to find patents to see if something similar to your idea already exists. Which products in stores have the most space, best display, and where would your new product fit in among the other items? Can you think of products that should be in stores but are not? What products would you put on the shelves that seem to be missing in certain categories? You can get ideas for categories by looking at stores like Amazon.com. Some categories you might be interested in could be: Toy, Novelty, Gift, Environment, Child, Garden, Fish, Pet, Tool, Kitchen, Electrical etc.

3. What Are the Good and Bad Features of Products and Their Prices?
What are the best and worst features of current products? List them. Do they work as well as they should? How could you improve what is not working so well. Do the current products have missing details or flaws in appearance, product design or function that could be improved? Which products have the highest and lowest prices and can you make a product more cost-effective? Perhaps you could make the product with better and less materials or more light-weight materials.

4. How is the Product Used and Can You Think of New Uses and Combinations with Other Products?
In what ways do people use the product? Are there other products people use in the same or similar ways? Are there unusual uses for the product? Can you think of new uses? How can you combine a product to create a new product? Find a feature that works for one product, and see if you can apply it to another product. For example, look at all the products that use zippers. Can you think of another product that could use a zipper that is not currently using it?

5. Can You think of Useful Variations for a Product?
After listing the popular concepts, strengths and weaknesses of products and their uses and prices, can you come up with variations in Design, Uniqueness, Form, Technology, Size, Features, Efficiency, Convenience, New and Improved Materials/Uses, Packaging, Quality, Price?

Perhaps the product can be: made into a kit, made transparent or using water, made to save space or portable, made into a personalized product, have an electrical element added, be projected on a wall, use light or interesting colors? There are many possibilities for you to mix and match. List all possibilities you can think of and then focus on the best ones.

6 . Draw all Possibilities for Your Invention Ideas, Research Materials to Use, and Make Prototype if Needed
As you are listing all possibilities for your ideas, it is also good to make drawings of your ideas, this will generate even more concepts and help you to work out the details and see where you might need to make changes. Also, as you do this, think about the different materials that your idea could be made out of. For example, if you are making a toy for kids, would it be better for it to be made out of wood or plastic? Consider things such as safety and weight. Do you want your product to be lightweight and easy to ship? Look at what materials people are already using for the type of product you want to create. When you have ideas for what materials you might need to use, you can start searching for them online. You can request samples to be sent to you from wholesalers. Sometimes this is free and other times there is a charge.

7. Assess Your Idea to Make Sure it is Worth Pursuing
It is important to answer some significant questions about your idea before you move forward with it. You can find answers to some of the questions below in stores, the internet, trade associations and magazines etc. Also, look for industry experts in the area you want to persue.

1) How will your product be used? Can it be used in more than one market?

2) How can the product be manufactured and what packaging options does it have?

3) Who are the major and minor competitors in the market and what other products compete with yours? How is your idea valuable? How does your idea compare to other ideas in the market? What makes it stand out from other products? Does it offer something beneficial that customers would want that your competition is not offering?

4) Who will purchase your product? Who will be the typical customer? Ex. Women, Pet Owners, Artists, etc. Are you confident that your idea would sell well?

5) Is there a large enough market for your item? Are products that are similar to yours selling well?
Look for areas that have good potential for growth in various industries and categories of products. What trends are expected? What are the channels that your product could be sold through? Perhaps it would be a great “As Seen on TV” product. Maybe it could be sold through magazines, etc.

6) Where will your product be purchased? Ex: art stores, gift shops, travel stores etc.

7) How much will people be willing to pay for your item? What are the high and low prices of other products in your product category and who is buying them? Are they selling well; are the sales up or down? What are the price points for manufacturing, retail and wholesale?

8) When people look at or use your item, do they say “wow” because your product is unique?

Online Backup for Sites Manually

Website Backup Using Control Panel

In this article, I go over how to manually back up and restore your website and database.  The steps are actually quite simple and fast.  You can also backup your site using automated backups with free website backup software as your backup assistant, but it is good to know how to backup your site with a manual method, in case you ever need to and it is also a good idea to use this method once in a while to supplement your automated backups.  Losing all the information you worked so hard to gather for your site is not fun, so learning how to protect your information is worth your time.

1.  In Hostgator, go to you Control Panel and under Databases, select “phpMyAdmin”.

2.  On the left hand panel, select the website database you want to back up.  (If you are not sure which one to select, click on a database, and look in some of the files to identify which site the database is for).

3.  Click the “Export” tab and select “Custom”.

4.  Under  “Tables”, click on the “Select All” link to select all the tables.

5.  Under “Output”, make sure “Save Output to File” is selected and “None” for compression is selected, unless your site is very large.

6.  Under “Format”, have “SQL” selected.

7.  Under “Object Creation Options”, select “Add drop table” and select “If not Exists”.

8.  Hit the “Go” button at the bottom of the page and use the “Save As” option to save the file on your computer.

Restore from Backup Your Website Data

Restoring your website manually is just as easy as backing it up manually, you will restore files in no time.  Below are the quick and easy steps.  If you encounter a website restore error, you might want to talk to your hosting provider or web developer to get assistance.

1.  In Hostgator, go to you Control Panel and under Databases, select “phpMyAdmin”.

2.  Click the “databases” tab and pick the website database that you want to restore your website into.  (If you are not sure which one to select, click on a database, and look in some of the files to identify which site the database is for).  You might see a list of tables for your site inside the database.

3.  Next click the “Import” tab.

4.  On the next screen, use the browse button to retrieve the file backup file from your computer to restore data.

5.  Under “Format”, select SQL.  Lastly, click the “Go” button.  This last step may take some time, but eventually you should see a confirmation that the job has been completed successfully.

We hope this has been a useful guide to backup and restore your site data files.  Now you won’t wonder “how do I restore my files”.  You can see that it is actually a lot easier than many people think.  You do not need special technical assistance to do it.

Day Trading Rules for the Day Trader

Getting Started

When starting out, do only one trade at a time.

Paper trade until you are comfortable with the process.

Learn to use your broker’s system.

Don’t try to do too much. Learn one strategy at a time.

Don’t trade different time frames until you are more experienced.

Use one account for long term and another for short. In emergency, hedge one account with another. Keep one account with broker that has minimal commission. In the long term account, have one or two holdings for a week or longer. Hold stock as long as it is in trend on a daily chart.

Choose 2-3 tech indicators to start with (ex oscillator).

Entering Trade

Never risk over 2% of account on a trade ($200, if have $10,000 account).

Write down maximum loss you will allow on a trading day, once it is hit, stop trading and reassess processes.

When starting out, buy small lots (100-300 shares per trade).

If there is no perfect entry point, don’t enter trade.

Don’t trade congestion pattern (it is chaotic because traders can’t make up their minds).

Don’t trade when in doubt; wait until you feel confident about your decisions.

In The Trade

When day trading, take profit when you have reasonable profit or point profit.

When in doubt, get out of trade.

If you have 2 open trades losing money, stop trading and reassess what market is saying.

Don’t exit good trades too early and stay in bad ones too long. Cut losses and let winners run.

If you are saying “it’ll come back”, or “please go up”, get out of trade.

Don’t chase stock (you will buy at top & sell at bottom). Don’t ignore stop, hold loser, overtrade, take oversized position, or buy against down trend.

Course of Day

Don’t trade on volatile days.

Never buy before opening bell. If you do, you will get filled at highest price. If gap fills, it can be a loss.

Don’t trade at lunch, it is too volatile.

If market is volatile, you might consider morning and afternoon as two different days. Don’t assume that because stock is strong in the morning, it will be strong in the afternoon because the market often reverses in the afternoon. Close out a winning trade or two before lunch.

In intraday trading, never take home a losing intraday trade.


Don’t buy stock without good earnings announcement until you are sure what direction it takes (2-3 days). If stock shot up before announcement, when news is announced, many people will take profits  (increased supply will drive stock down). Also, when stock shot up before announcement, market makers had to sell their own shares (when there are more buyers than sellers, market makers have to short). The market makers will not allow the stock to keep going up forever. They will bring it down so they can cover their shorts. People panic and sell it to them at bargain prices, then the market makers raise bid and sell it to someone else.

Where to Find Clients and Customers for Your Business

where to find clients


Whether you are a new business owner, wanting to start a business, or have been in business for a while, you may be wondering: How do I get customers or clients for my business? The following article contains a list of various ways that you can build your business including Networking Groups and Sites, Directories and Databases, People You Know, Seminars, Print Advertising, Cold Calling, Business Websites, and Online Marketing. You can find which of the strategies work best for you and combine the ones that work best for maximum results.


Join Some Networking Groups and Sites

Join as many organizations as you can. Network with others in your field and area and let them know what services you offer.

1. Meetup.com
Meetup.com lets anyone organize their own group online and these groups meet in person. There are many different types of Meetup groups ranging from hobby groups, social groups, and business groups. These groups are great for getting to know people face to face and they allow you to introduce yourself and your business to people.

2. Your Chamber
Your chamber usually has a website and lists all the contact information for their members, allowing you to connect with other businesses. You can also check out your Rotary.

3. Your City’s Website
Your city’s website lists local companies.

4. Idustry-Based Association Events and Sites
Join these types of events to meet people in the industry of your interest and spread the word about your business. If you are looking to connect with lawyers, architects, engineers etc., go to their industry websites where they list members.

5. Business Groups for Women or Other Groups
Some examples are Ladies Who Launch, POWE, Women Can Do Anything (These are local biz events).

6. Networking Websites
You can find networking sites such as www.4networking.biz to help you grown your network.

7. Authority Websites
Authority websites such as QuickBooks Pro Advisor have a lot of traffic and might be good places to connect with potential clients.

8. Free Websites
You can find some free websites to advertise your business on such as free classifieds.

9. Dinner Parties
For some businesses, dinner parties are great for taling about your business or for doing demonstrations related to your business.

Search Available Directories and Databases

how do I get customers


1. Yellow Pages
You can get information on businesses by looking at the yellow pages. You can also advertise yourself there.

2. List of New Biz Openings in Your Area
Your county might have a website that has listings of the new businesses that have registered each month. You might try checking with your local tax collectors office or business registration office and ask them. You could gain some new clients by contacting these new businesses.

3. Reference USA Database
ReferenceUSA.com provides information on over 20 million businesses, 222 million consumers, U.S. new businesses, U.S. new homeowners and movers. Your local library might also have access to this database. ReferenceUSA helps researchers, students, and job-seekers.You can select a location and do a radius search to look up the number of similar businesses in the area or check the strength of competition with years in business and credit rating. You can look for businesses to buy or network with other businesses. You can also search based on business size, number of employees, sales volume, home-based, etc. Another database you might want to use is DEX.

4. Scott’s Directory
If you have access to the Scott’s Directory, which is used in Canada for searching business contact details, via your local library, you may be able to use it to send out e-mails by copying each e-mail address into a database or spreadsheet.

5. Office Space for Lease Websites
Office-space-for-lease websites list current tenants, which can help you find information about businesses.

Use Traditional Marketing Methods

where to find prospects


People You Know
Ask family, friends, associates, former co-workers, and neighbors for assistance in spreading the word about your business. Perhaps you can give them a reward like coupons for their help.

Hold a Seminar or Workshop
Holding a semminar or workshop that relates to your business can be a good way of attracting potential clients and customers and marketing your business while providing valuable information to people. I once went to a free semminar on goal-setting where the speaker asked eveyone to email him and ask him about how he is doing with writing his book. This was a great marketing strategy for his book.

Print Advertising
1. Printing business cards and giving them to potential clients is a common strategy.
2. Creating large postcards can work well for advertising your business.
3. Find a trade magazine for a group, such as women, and place an ad, or contact those that have ads to let them know about your business.
4. Create flyers and post them in libraries, grocery stores, or give flyers or business cards to potential clients. Also, places like grocery stores often have job boards for sale/rent/buy where you could advertise your business.

Cold Calling
Cold calling is a strategy that might work well for you, depending on your strategy and your business.

You can volunteer your services to organizations in a variety of ways. For example, you can offer to help a church write a newsletter, help update someone’s website, help with graphic design or spreadsheets etc. You don’t even need to be at the organization’s location to help them; you can assist them from the comfort of your home. By helping out others, you can gain experience, confidence, and references and referals that you can use on your business website. When you give with an open heart, you will often get more than you expected back in return.

Check Out Some Job Sites

where to find customers


You might find some clients for your business on sites that have job postings.  Be aware of scams.


Set Up a Website and Market Your Site

how do I get clients


In today’s world, setting up a business website for your business is essential. Your website is where people can go to learn about your business and you can show your expertise by having a blog that is relevant to your business with content that your potential clients or customers would be interested in. Your website is also a place where you can promote your social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. These sites provide more ways for people to network with you. Doing some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your site can help you to get traffic to your site. There is a lot of information out there about this. Also, here is a great resource that lists ways for how you can Increase Your Website Traffic Below are some common stratagies for getting the word out about your business. On your site, include a “Contact Us” page where people can easily contact you and also include an “About Us” page which will let people know who you are.

You can join forums that are related to the clients or customers that you want to attract. Interact with people on forums and give them useful information, but do not directly advertise yourself because this can make you look like a spammer. If you wan to connect with real estate agents, for example, go to ActivRain, join the forum and answer questions that are being discussed. Your profile shoud include information about your business and direct people to your website where they can learn more about you and your business.

Social Media
Social Media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can be great for gaining new clients. One of the best ways to attract people is to offer free tips, products or services. You might, for example, invite your clients to Twitter and give them tips on how to use Twitter for their business. Encourage others to contact you and ask you questions if they need help. If you have a Facebook page, make it interactive. Join groups on LinkedIn that your customers and clients are a part of. For example, if you want clients that are authors, find a group of authors and give them tips on questions they have.

Blogging can have many benefits; it creates unique content for your site and clients and customers have a chance to get to know you as an expert from reading your posts. Blog about topics that your cutomers or clients would be interested in. Guest blogging can also be a great way to get traffic to your site and can lead to referrals. Posting comments on the blogs of others or linking to client’s blogs on your blog can also work well with time.

You Tube Videos
Make video tutorials and post them on YouTube and embed them in your blog. Usually, videos that do well include how-to videos, videos involving animals or children and videos that are funny.

Set up a newsletter to get contacts through them. You can sign up with a service such as Mail Chimp and copy the newsletter box to your site to begin collecting email addresses from people who visit your site. Think about what relevant information you can provide to your target audience in your newsletter. You might provide important tips.

Refering other people is a great way to gain friends; they willl often refer you too if you refer them first. Send a message letting someone know that you referred them, and many times, they will refer you back to return the favor. You can also encourage referrals from current clients and have Google alerts set up. You might also have referral exchanges where you ask people to refer you in exchange for refering them.

Press Releases
Writing press releases can be a good way to get exposure for your business. You can write a press release and put it on a few of the free press release sites and then take that link and post it on your social media sites, blog and website.

Your Signature Line
You can use your signature line in forums, posts, and your personal email to help attract clients. In your signature, you can include your website and social media addresses and include a line about the launch of your new company or other relevant information.

Link Exchanges
You might exchange links with others to help build links to your site.

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
If you have some money for advertising, you can use a pay per click program such as Google Adwords to advertise your site.

Do you have any other ideas? Feel free to share in the comments below and we can add your idea to the list!

How to Create a Static Front Page in WordPress and Remove Double Home Page Link

static home page wordpressThe default settings in WordPress display the current posts on your home page. You can change this if you want to have a static home page for your site. (Some themes have options for setting up front page features, in which case you can use those features instead of this article.)


In the WordPress panel, go to PAGES and add a new page. Name this page “Home”. Under the “template” option, choose the default option or a custom one. Add any content you would like to add to the page and publish it.

(you only need to create this page if you will be using blog features.) You can title the blog page “blog”, “articles”, “news”, or whatever else you want to name it. This page will be the page that shows your blog posts. Do not add content to this page and do not use a custom template. Publish the page.

Go to SETTINGS -> READING and set the front page displays to “static page”. Set the “front page” option to the home page you created, and if you will be using a blog, set the “posts” page option to the blog page you created. Save.

Enable PERMALINKS to display the page title in the address.

Some themes already have a “Home” link at the top navigation bar so if you created a “Home” page, you may now have two home links at the top of your navigation bar. To fix this, go to APPEARANCE -> EDITOR -> HEADER. Search for the word “Home” and find and delete the code below, which contains the word “home”. Save.


Click Here To Sign Up For Web Hosting


How to Change the Header in WordPress Using FTP

You can find the size of your header in WordPress by going to APPEARANCE-> EDITOR -> click on Style.css on the list of Template choices. Search for the word “header” in the template. When you look at the codes surrounding the word “header” you will find code like the code listed below which shows the height and width of your header:

/***** PAGE FORMATTING *****/
#header {
width: 1000px;
background: url(images/header.gif) top center no-repeat;
height: 100px;
margin-top: 0;
color: #fff;

To find the location of your header, you can go to the home page of your site and on the toolbar click VIEW-> source. Search the word “header” and find code that contains the term “header” that looks like the below code:


The above code is the path that leads to your image file. You can see that the end of the code says “header.gif”. This is the name of the picture that is your header.

Using the name of the header that you found in step 3 and the size of your header in step 1, create your new header using the same header name and size.  (You can also change the size of your header in Step 1 by changing the height and width in the code shown in step 1.  If you cange the size in this code, create a new header based on this new size.)

For this example, we will be using the client version of FileZilla. You can download this software for free onto your computer.
When using FileZilla, enter your HOST name USERNAME and PASSWORD using the hosting account that hosts your site.  For example, if your host is Hostgator, for the host field, enter the server address for server1.    For USERNAME and PASSWORD, enter your Hostgator username and password for the hosting account that hosts your site.  For the port field, enter 21.

The top left section of FileZilla shows the files on your computer and the bottom left section of FileZilla shows the folder contents after you click on a folder in the top left section. The top right section of FileZilla shows the files on your FTP server. These are the files for your website. The bottom right section of FileZilla shows the folder contents after you click on a folder on your ftp server.

Using the right side of FileZilla, browse for the old header. Find the header using the path you found in step 2.  Using the top right section of FileZilla, follow these steps:   Go to the folder called “public-html”, then the folder with your site’s name, then “wp-content” folder, then the “themes” folder, then go to the theme that is activated on your site and click on it’s folder. Next, click the images folder and browse to find the old image.  You will see the image in the bottom right section of FileZilla

Using the left sections of FileZilla, browse for the new header your created and move  it to the folder that contains the old header. FileZilla will say that a file with the name you want to transfer already exists in the folder. Override that old file to replace it with the new one.

If you want to make your WordPress header clickable so that when you click it, your home page shows up, Go to Appearances -> Editor -> click header dot php file, then do the following:

Change from <div id="header">

to: <div id="header" onclick="location.href='http://example.com/';" style="cursor: pointer;">

What is The Difference Between a Post and a Page in WordPress?

Difference Between Post and Page in WordPressWhen you are first starting to use WordPress, it can be a challenge to understand the differences between posts, pages, categories and menus and which of these go in your top navigation and left and right navigation. This article will help you to understand the differences and help you to know when you should use a post versus a page in WordPress.  Knowing this difference is important for setting up your site and getting started with using WordPress.

Features of Posts

Posts are date driven which means that when you use a post, you will see a date at the top of the post showing when the post was written. Posts are most often used for content that is date sensitive such as blog posts, news stories, status updates etc.

You can make different categories for your posts and put your posts into them. For example, you can put a post about business into a business category on your site. Your different categories can be listed on your left or right hand navigation. To create a category, go to CATEGORIES and enter the information for creating a new category. When you write a post, you can easily select which category to put it into from a menu that is provided.

To place your categories into your left or right hand navigation, go to APPEARANCE-> WIDGETS, and drag the categories widget into your left or right hand navigation. If you click the down arrow on the categories widget, you will also see that you have the option to display the categories as a dropdown menu on you site, show the post counts in each category, and show hierarchy.

You can also create subcategories. To create a subcategory, go to POSTS-> CATEGORIES -> fill out the information for adding a new category. To make it a subcategory, under the “Parent” option, choose the category that you want to be above this subcategory.

You can also add tags for your posts when you are writing the post.

Posts are collected on archive pages (the archive pages include date, category and tag archives.) For example, you might have a dropdown menu on your page that lets a visitor select posts that you have posted for different months. To display archives on your site, go to APPEARANCE-> WIDGETS and drag the archives widget into your left or right navigation.

Unlike pages, posts are also included in RRS feeds. When a visitor subscribes to a feed, updated information from the feed is downloaded to their computer. This information will include your posts and updates on your posts. To display RSS feeds on your site, go to APPEARANCE-> WIDGETS and drag the RSS widget into your left or right navigation.
Features of Pages

Pages do not include dates at the top of the page so pages are better for content that you do not want to date.

Pages are not included in categories or tags.

As with posts, pages can have sections and subsections in your navigation (the sections are the parent pages and the subsections are the child pages). Sections and subsections are used more often for regular sites than for blogs. They are good for managing corporate or business sites with broad component but static pages. For example, a corporate site might have a section for a department and subsections under that for sub-departments. If you want to create a subpage, when creating that page, under the “Parent” option, select which page you want the subpage to be under.

You can place your hierarchy of pages in your left or right hand navigation by going to APPEARANCE-> WIDGETS and dragging the Pages Widget into your left or right navigation. If you click the down arrow on the widget, you will also see that you have the option to sort the pages by title, page order, page id, and to exclude page ids. Also, if you go to APPEARANCE-> MENUS, you will see a section called “Pages”. This box shows the pages that are displayed on your top navigation.

Pages are used for traditional web content such as the “about us” page or “contact us” page. They are good for building the navigation for a site. They are often used for the top navigation on sites.


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Key Points of the Secret Law of Attraction

Key Points of Secret Law of Attraction1. To get from point A to point B, focus on point B.

2. To get what you want, your desire must be stronger than your fear and doubt.

3. When trying to manifest what you want, don’t pay attention to the outside world because you create the outside world from the inside.

4. Identify and let go of any resistance to things that you desire.

5. Make positive meaning out of all experiences.

6. Remember that you are in charge of your reality and you can have, do or be what you want; reality must morph to match your vibe. Keep asking for what you want until you get it. You may need courage to shift into your new reality. You must feel worthy of having what you want now and feel like it is coming soon. Visualize it as already yours and feel the feelings of having it now.

7. Do not think about or concentrate on things that do not serve you, ignore them. Think perfect thoughts to get perfect outcomes. To focus, visualize your ideal outcome, make a list of arguments for why you are worthy of having what you want, or use affirmations. Ask for things you want often, to create more abundance in your life.

8. You need to get into energetic alignment with what you want. Don’t act on what you want until you are in alignment with it.

9. Don’t get too attached to your creations. If one dream falls apart, build a new dream.

10. To get love, give as much love as you can and love everything you can.